📚Who Needs New Years Resolutions?📚

Are New Year’s Resolutions a good idea? Are they productive, inspiring a fresh start, a new outlook for a new year? Or is it an example of how society always wants us to change, to be better than we already are? It can be hard to keep up with the spring cleaning frenzy of the New Year. To be honest, I feel enough already.

It’s a New Year – we’re tired. It can be hard to keep up with the frantic joy and consumerism that Christmas is associated with in the media. My goal for 2024: to slow down.That doesn’t mean taking my foot off the gas. But I’d like to try and appreciate the smaller things more, to let them build up the bigger picture rather than focusing on larger goals.

As one iconic deliquant once said: Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look. around once in a while, you could miss it.

However at the same time, if resolutions work for you, that’s great! Everyone’s unique. What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

This is a post is to celebrate and commemorate the New Year. Which can’t be done without reflecting on last year – and my Goodreads Reading Challenge 2023. I’m delighted to announce that I read…


books read last year! I’m so proud of it, and have read some truly incredible books. Check out my top 23 reads of 2023 here!

As for my 2023 blogging goals, I managed to complete most of them – my biggest achievement has to be surpassing my goal of reading a book a week, and continuing to grow my site and community of readers.

I couldn’t have done it without you, so thank you so much. To every person who reads my posts, to every blogger and to every reader out there, I wish you all a wonderful 2024.

2024 Blogging Goals

1. Read 52 books. As I learned last year, a book a week will certainly challenge me!

2. Continue to support Own Voices and Indie publishers. Especially foreign books – I’d love to read more translated works as well. What’s your favorite translated book?

3. Reach 700 followers on this blog. Can you help me reach this target? Every like, subscribe and comment is very much appreciated!

Do you have any 2024 blogging goals? Let me know in the comments!

Published by Hundreds&Thousands

I’m a teenager (and a Hufflepuff) from Manchester. I like oversized jumpers, music that isn't on the radio anymore and books. Pretty much any book I can get my hands on but my favourites are Young Adult, fantasy and science fiction. One day, I decided to share some of my opinions on some great - and not so great - books to people around the world. And here it is! I really enjoy it and I hope you do too. The aim is hundreds and thousands of book reviews (see what I did there?) but I’m not quite up to that. Yet.

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